So today we're gonna be doing yoga for when you have cramps because if you need it and all of that so first we're going to come into bow thruster now if your knees are really how you can play something under your glute so that automatically your legs will come a little lower key and you'll feel more relaxed now we're just want to stay here as we steer we're going to flap your butterfly wings it's called butterfly in English okay so we're gonna flap gonna just stay here so you feel like this muscle is opening out keep breathing stay five four breathe inhale-exhale three - you want to remember to breathe throughout one release from it gonna come forward and we're gonna just stretch as we stretch you're gonna gently because you want to work gently with our body. After all, our body is delicate at this time, okay so you want to also respect and honor our body at this point in time.
So from here we're gonna take the leg as we take the leg up you're gonna just drop the leg down one and come up that's already two and come up again working this area three and up as per your comfort four and up last one five we're gonna stay here gonna take it hand to your thigh gently push your thigh down stay five keep breathing four three two one you're gonna come back up again straighten and gently push now from you're gonna take the left leg anyone would one and you can take your right hand as the port and place it down and up three keep breathing and up four and up last one five hand to your thigh gentle five keep breathing four three two one from you're gonna come back up straight and shake the leg out okay three two what you're gonna come up now as you come up you're gonna take the distance of your mat as you take the distance of your magic on it move your glute slightly forward as you do this bump facing forward you're gonna drop the leg down to the side or you should feel it or come one and side again - and if your knee is not touching the floor down while you stay three and up four again you are working leg muscle zero and five.
We're gonna stay on one side stay five keep breathing four if you find it comfortable try and get both the knees on your flow to relax okay two one come back up last side six and stay here five can you see my left is slightly higher it's okay you want to be gentle and when you're comfortable it'll come back down inhale-exhale push down to one come back up from here just gently all we're gonna do is just hug your legs okay gently hug you're like activate the spite so now you're going to hunch protract so now you're going to protract your shoulders you're going to take your shoulders away from your ears okay and come back in just to activate your shoulders up and out and in this is three out and in four last one out and in.
So you feel it in your spine five you're gonna stay here five just stay relaxed four it's very simple no hard movements three two one you're gonna come back from here we're gonna come into our force and as you come onto your force you're going to relax okay we're going to come into a cat-cow okay now we are gently first we're going to use the whole spine so inhaling arch look up exhale hunch protract your shoulders just two more inhale arch look up let the tailbone arch exhale hunch post-project your shoulders the last one inhale arch look up I'm going to stay here five keep breathing for three if you feel comfortable one exhale hunch protract your shoulders you're gonna keep looking at your belly button stay five four three - one from they're gonna come back okay now all we're gonna do is only work the lower spine okay.
So you're gonna should not give way into your chest don't do that you want to just again neutralize your spine from here just your lower back one and inhale two and three only the lower side and four and five Reed arch say five four three only the lower spine - one from here what we're going to do is we're going to stay here and move your right you're both your hips to the right side and you're gonna look and come back keep that arch left and back right and back left and back let's do two more right and come up left and come up from there gonna come back to neutral from here we're gonna come and work on your mid-spine okay inhale-exhale inhaling so you working inhale arch.
So you're not letting go of your lower back you're gonna arch an arch your thoracic and hunched your back arch the thoracic it's a little bit more tricky and come on arch up last one arch and stay down stay five for you feel the mid of your spine or thoracic three two one come back neutral from here we are only going to work your survival, okay so you're gonna arch and try and keep everything else together only your shoulder blade area four and up until last one five two five four take the tailbone in three engage your core doesn't let anything lose too one and shake it again now we're gonna relax and we're gonna do the same thing I'm gonna arch your back a little bit and the whole thing again arch and up you should feel your spine three and four five relaxed it shouldn't testify breathe four three two one cup we're going to go side again one and two and last one six and from here I'm gonna take your hands forward as you take your hands forward we're going to relax and poppy.
So that our shoulder blades stretch out in here eggs stay five three four three two one from here we're going to come back and we're gonna sit lie down as we lie down we're gonna come inhale-exhale you're gonna just take your shoulder blades towards each other form you're gonna take your hands again by stretching out the shoulders now Kim so inhale-exhale lift up one and we're going to just stay here 10 keep breathing 9 as much as you can eight seven relax everything six five you can move your head side to side so that your neck is also relaxed two one and release from here we're gonna lie down on our back and from here all we're gonna do is you're gonna bend your knees as you bend your knees you're gonna open the hip as you open the hip you're gonna flex your foot as you flex the foot gonna take your hand placement.
It here okay now very gently we're gonna stay just happy position I wonder why to inhale breathe stay turn to keep breathing nine you wanna gently just stay seven if you can't hold you can take wrap something around and hold it three-to-one travail I just want to push your knee to the right side one and left knee to the left side too and I'll be doing six of these three and try not moving the opposite hip hop up you want to keep it down for you in a thigh and last one five and up to six and up from there.
You want to get both your knees in here exhale push down as much as you can say five you feel that tension from your pelvis opening up three two one come back up from here going to bend your knees together as much as you can and in the same but the rattan you want to try and pull your feet to your chest as much as you can five four three three two one release okay you're gonna release we're gonna just hug our legs to keep our mocked-up or no inhale exhale state and if you feel like your neck can you can take your neck or your head or your chin up here otherwise if she feels too much tension right now don't - one from here we're going to do again a lower back twist you're gonna take your hands under your head okay now as you take your hands remember you want your elbows down flat on the flow Kip.
So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take my right leg as if I'm going to be doing guru Dassin and I'm going to wrap it around behind the left okay and I'm going to come forward now as I come forward inhale exhale I want to drop my right knee to my left the side now as I do this I want to look onto the opposite side, you should feel so good your lower back feel the stretch three one you gonna come back as you come back up we're gonna change legs okay so remember to keep your hands the weight is your left leg wrap around the right now inhale exhale we're going to take up push the hips slightly again both your shoulder blades on the floor and drop you wanna look to keep breathing throughout the lower back one come back up and release from here.
we're gonna just relax you're gonna take now I'm gonna keep my hands here so that you can see my lower back okay so we're going to arch so as you arch can you see my hand is coming through and then you're gonna squeeze your hand not my hand try and squeeze your own hand so you're gonna arch and to arch and now squeeze engage your lower back your tailbone three four five you're gonna do five more so all that lower back pain last five is going to reduce three 2:01 breathe they're gonna squeeze and stay here now breathe.
If I keep breathing for three - one relax the last stretch for today you're gonna stay here and you're gonna just open and all we're gonna do is just open and pulse this down again try not arch your back because thief pressure and the pain is going to come here you want to try and take and push your pelvis down into the flow okay can you see pelvis wants to push into the flow guess I'm gonna stay back here so you can see my back and from here all we're gonna do is spells and we're gonna stay with a pulse ten gently keep breathing nine eight seven six five three two one you're gonna stay gonna come back as you come back you're gonna come under this side as you come onto the side you're gonna come back up okay so we're going always into the flow down and to the side and down and coming up so that again your lower back or any part of your back does not act up okay so thinking about it it's not only for humans who have their period and half grams but it's for anyone who has lower back pain.
Thank you for reading